Developing a website that speaks of your business, mission and vision is not a cake walk. There are many technicalities involved, which you must tackle out in a smart way to bring in the desired results. When it comes to website development, most people struggle with the dilemma whether to do it in-house or outsource. Doing it in-house certainly helps your company save a big amount but that saving can even end up costing your business if in case the things aren’t done in the desired manner. The very first thing you need to figure out is whether or not you need to outsource the web development. Read about Six steps to decide if you want to outsource
Step 1: Deciding if you need to outsourced web development companyIf you are in a puzzle regarding outsourcing development, the evaluation of the following will help you figure out if you need to outsource it or do it in-house. You certainly need to outsource web development project, if you lag the following:
Step 2: Finding out an Outsourcing CompanyOnce you have decided that you need to outsource website development, the next task is to find out the companies that can do the work for you. You can get through some outsourcing companies by:
Step 3: Choosing the right Outsourcing VendorNow that you have got a fair number of outsourced software development companies , it’s time to pick the one who will be perfect for your business. Here too, you will have to stick to some criteria in order to select the best and most authentic one. It is time to hire someone to build a website for your choice.
Step 4: Heading with Project DocumentationOnce you have come across the right web developers, it’s time to take the project on-board. The very first thing you need to do is documenting the entire project. You must list what the project is all about, the target audience, the objectives and all other important aspects that you want to be implemented in the web development project. This documentation can then be sent to the outsourcing vendor either in the form of a mail, a scan or if the need be, you can send it as a hard copy as well whichever sounds more convenient and feasible.
Step 5: Weekly meetingsMonitoring the project from your end is very crucial. You must stay updated with each and every development so that nothing goes wrong through the process. It would always be better to hold weekly meetings wherein you will not only get to know about the progress of the task, but can even give in some inputs or order the changes if in case any required.
Step 6: The final dealing and paymentThis is the final stage of your web development. Post the testing, the vendor will hand you over the site so developed. You can evaluate and see if it’s done as per your specifications. Changes can be made, if you feel there is a need. If all goes well, it’s time to make the due payment and put your site on action!
Following these six steps, can definitely assist you to outsource web development for your company.
Call Centers: What Are They?There is a basic short answer to what a call center is, and it is a place where incoming/outgoing calls are managed for an organization or company. These centers focus greatly on representatives and interpersonal connections with customer bases, but the systems are typically heavily automated to expedite the process. The entire center is designed to run like an intricate machine, from handling high volumes of calls during their operating hours and to log each conversation accordingly. There are few limits to what kind of group or company might utilize these facilities, from the general telemarketing campaigners to the largest of multi-national corporations. Two terms commonly associated with a service like this are: contact center and virtual call center. Different Types of Contact CentersBelow you will find both a detailed list of the varying types of call centers, but even more than this, the work that representatives and agents within these specific centers do. → Inbound Call CentersThis is a common variety of the centers, because it usually deals with customer service locations. These facilities handle the incoming calls from customers that have questions, concerns or complaints about a company, its products or its services. The primary difference between this type of center and many of the other varieties is the rise and fall of call volume. There is no set amount of calls that a representative is necessarily going to be asked to make in a day; it just depends on the amount of callers phoning into the center on any given day. Sometimes the volume of these calls could trickle to almost nothing, while other times there could be a queue of callers awaiting each available representative working. → Outbound Call CentersAgents that work in outgoing call centers are given a virtual list of calls that they are expected to make every day. While it might seem like the bulk of these calls seem to be telemarketing and cold sales, this isn’t necessarily always the truth. There are two common examples of when the typical sales approach to outgoing calls isn’t present. There are many times where a company is required to notify their existing customers about a potential issue, brief cessation of service or other pertinent information. There are often calling campaigns from a company to new customers to give them an opportunity to learn more about all of the services included with what they have signed up for, or what they might yet be missing out on. Yet another example of the non-sales outgoing calls that are frequently made is the follow up calls from a company to a customer. This is typically to ensure that the problem or concern that they had has been resolved completely. This same type of call might be made to remind existing customers about a bill that has become due, or a friendly reminder about a past due balance with the company. Classification of Contact Centers→ Local or Domestic Contact CentersDomestic centers are designed to handle any volume of calls coming from within the same country as the call center is located. For example, agents that are working in a center in India are only taking or making calls within India. There is a lot of work for those who wish to find work in a call center within India, based on the ever-present need for those who can speak various languages. Those who don’t speak very good English still have a place within this niche of business speaking the tongues that they were raised on, such as: Tamil, Bengali, Marathi and Hindi. → Worldwide or International Call CenterInternational companies often employ this type of call center to handle the biggest volume of their incoming/outgoing call needs. To follow the similar given example, a center would be deemed international if it were based in India (or any country) and called out or took calls from many other countries through that center. There are plenty of benefits to working in an environment like this, especially for those Indian people that are looking to expand their understanding of new languages, as well as their own fluency with each of these languages. You can further classify call centre into two groups based on who owns/operates them:→ In HouseThe term “in-house” means that the center itself is owned and operated exclusively by the company it serves. Typically, these centers focus on customer service needs of existent clients, but it might also have a role in cold-calling in an attempt to gain new business. There are perks to having a set up like this, which mainly involves the kind of relationship that could exist in between the company and its call center. This allows for any issues between these two factions to be quickly dealt with without the distance causing even more friction and difficulty. → Outsourced Call CentersThis is a much cheaper solution for most company needing call centers to be operational for any reason. Sometimes in-house operations can be very costly for a number of reasons, but mainly the time and money spent training new hires and building adequate facilities for them to work in. With outsourcing, companies are handing over the bulk of this work to an already established facility with a trained staff. You might find that sometimes the outsourcing never leaves the country that the company itself is in, but in many other cases, it can be sent out half a world away. Overseas operations are getting more and more common as American and European countries are commonly outsourcing their telephony business to countries like the Philippines and India. Further classifications for call centers can be made based on the size of the facility.Virtual Call Centers (or Home-Based Call Centers)More often than not this kind of “call center” is just a one-person operation. This is not at all a business, but usually an employee for a telecommuting position as a telemarketer or customer service representative. This kind of employee arrangement could be ideal for cold sale calling, customer service inbound calls, or even informative campaigns about a company’s services. There are certain advantages to someone working in the virtual call center environment. First and foremost, they get to work from the comfort of their home, which is a distinct advantage in and of itself. This reduces the costs for the company funding this type of employment as well, as they are not responsible for a physical building, or general overhead costs associated with caring for an entire staff of agents. The Sizes of Call CentersThere are typically three classifications when it comes to the categorized size of a call center. These three categories are small, medium and large. The position of a call center in one of these three designations depends solely on the number of agents that a center employs to handle incoming or outgoing calls. More specifically, the size is based on available seats (or stations). This is a direct indication of how many agents are able to work on a call workload at any given time. Small centers typically cannot simultaneously work more than ten agents at a time. Medium centers are not able to work more than 50 agents at any one time, but this could be as few as 30. Less than this and it falls into a gray area between small and medium classifications. What are classified as large centers typically handle multiple clients under the same roof. In addition, large centers are also able to divide themselves into operations that handle both domestic clientele and international interests. These centers are most known for working around the clock, and can typically employ around 500 agents over the various shifts. Small call centers don’t usually deal in a high volume of outgoing or inbound calls, but medium and large centers often have to employ automated systems to help contend with the high levels of calls that have to be taken or made. For outgoing calls, computer systems such as predictive dialers or power dialers ensure that each agent is automatically fed the next call when their current call has completed. ACDs are employed for incoming calls. Apart from the average agent, large and medium centers employ specialized positions for training, supervision, tech support and more. Classifications of Communication Methods:Telephonic and Web-Enabled CallsWhile people tend to think of these centers as a room full of people chatting loudly on call after call, but that might not be entirely accurate. While telephony still has a role in the world of outgoing and incoming customer communication, real time chatting online and email communications have taken a more prevalent role in recent years. For this reason, call centers are rarely even called call centers anymore. They are now more commonly referred to as contact centers, which directly reflects the various communication outlets that are employed to communicate with existing or potential new customers. There are certain centers that are able to provide real-time online support to customers and these are classified as web-enabled call centers. The telephonic call centers are limited to only using telephones to engage customers in an outgoing or incoming basis. This was all that you might need to know about the different kinds of call centers that are out there, and the ways that they are classified from one another. If you found this useful, below you can look and find more detailed information about more specific activities of certain call centers. Inbound Call Centers: How Do They Work?This type of center is where agents (or call center executives) answer incoming calls on telephone lines from real people who have questions, concerns or complaints. The objective is to provide a solution to this customer, whatever that solution might need to be. Inbound centers are often operating twenty four hours a day. You can liken this to the toll free numbers that we can all recognize from places like our bank or service providers. To better understand how these facilities work, we should look at an example of a telephone company that has a toll-free number for their customers to call for support. This is how the call center works:The customer needs support or assistance of some kind, and they use the toll free number that the telephone company has provided. This call is then sent to a center where an agent answers. The system is designed to break one telephone number into several lines running simultaneously. This allows multiple people to be engaged with the same telephone number at the same time, even though this isn’t a common occurrence with normal telephone usage. This call could go to any available agent working through the call center at any given time. As you have assuredly experienced, some callers might find themselves waiting in a queue for an available agent if the call volume is high. When an agent ends a call that they are on, they automatically are sent the next caller in the line. The agent is then trained to listen to the problem or concern the customer has and the various means of managing/resolving that situation. This resolution might be something that the agent is able to do with the computer information in front of them, or they are forced to write out an incident report of sorts that gets pushed back to the resolution teams acting as a second line of offense for customer care. If the agent is unable to resolve a problem themselves, they are typically required to give the calling customer an idea of how long it will take to fix the problem they have and then end the call. Types of Inbound Call Centers:Typically there are two types of inbound call centers, international and domestic. Domestic centers are within the same country as the customers who are calling in. International centers are often located in a country different from the general customer base, and represent a multi-national client. International centers have more credentials that they are looking for in their new hires. This begins with the number of languages that a potential agent can fluently speak. Other considerations include their general grasp of spoken word and the accent with which that person normally speaks. Outbound Call Centers: How Do They Work?This is a location in which call center agents make outgoing calls to people and customers. There are many reasons that outbound centers might exist. While many of these might exist to offer cold sale campaigns to sell products or services to prospective buyers, this isn’t always the case. There are several other purposes for these locations, including reminder calls about balances on an account, welcome calls to new customers detailing the specifics of what the company offers, or follow up calls to existing customers about recent problem resolutions. There is no better way to understand how these centers work than to walkthrough an example of one. For this exercise, we will follow a telephone provider that makes various types of outgoing calls to customers. Some of the automatically fed calls to the agents are welcome conversations to new customers who just joined up with the telephone service. These calls are typically short, but are meant to be informative about the appreciation of the company and a more detailed explanation of the features included with the new service. Bill collections will be another time of automatically dialed call. These agents will be required to remind customers of an outstanding balance, upcoming payments that are scheduled, or overdue accounts. There will be another crew of agents that are designated to call customers and resolve their service problems and technical issues. This team is assigned these tasks based on incoming calls that could not be resolved, and this team is tasked with finding a suitable solution and reaching out to the customer awaiting an answer. Cold calls are also going to be a part of what this company is going to do, because acquiring new business is important to staying afloat. This team will call people and businesses to describe the services and features offered with signing up, and finding out their feelings about their current provider. There are a lot of hats that outgoing call center agents have to wear. It isn’t uncommon for people to be moved from one department to another as their skill set expands, which means that the employees need to be able to handle a completely new dynamic in their workplace at any given time. Types of These CentersThere are also domestic and international centers, much like you would find with inbound call centers. This is categorized by both the location of the call center itself, and the locations of the customers that are being called from the center. from In the early days, data analytics tracking and reporting used to be a big problem for digital marketers, however now the problem is shifted to finding the best tools for the same purpose. The market is full of diverse analytical platforms, with different user experience and usefulness. So it has become difficult for young digital marketers to go ahead with a suitable or more precisely a specific tool to achieve a particular objective. Before we list the finest platforms or tools, it’s key to define social data analytics briefly. What is Big Data Analytics?Data analytics is plainly defined as collecting data from social platforms to assist or guide you in creating and executing marketing strategies. This procedure starts by prioritizing business objectives. The following stage is shaping key performance indicators (KPIs). You can further measure how social media influences into meeting your business objectives. From here on, you can keep going ahead on the same track or fine-tune the approach to achieve your defined business goals. Now that the understanding is clear, here’s our useful list of the best Social Data Analytics tools: Working with multiple languages, you can utilize AgoraPulse tool to track superior engagement analytics on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With regular metrics, the tool ranks users who share your content and informs you when your profiles and pages have been mentioned online. This analytics, joined with community management statistics like message response rate, guides your social outreach activities. Additionally, you can easily export analytics graphs on a PowerPoint file. Price: $29 to $199 USD per month
You can use Keyhole to measure, in detail, a trend or a brand’s effect on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With shareable dashboard, it tracks keywords, campaign metrics and hashtags instantaneously. These metrics includes periods of high activity, overall reach and the impressions. It drives influencer outreach efforts. Using dashboard’s Influencers tab, you can access account information with best reach and number of interactions. For better engagement, you can identify key accounts in your function and re-share their finest content. Try it: Price: $89 to $3,000+ USD per month As a widespread social media scheduling tool, you can log in Buffer with an account to view the engagement numbers for your LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook posts. With these metrics, it also detects your top most post of the day. However, remember the tool only tracks the social media posts posted through its platform. Price: Free to $2,550 USD per year Providing access to multiple suite of tools that work for majorly all social media platforms, Brandwatch is best used for research work. It offers detailed information about markets you are currently into or a desire to penetrate, with demographic data about gender as well as occupation. It is used to monitor brand reputation that too in real-time. It keeps watch on the user postings, positive or negative messages related to you. It has high data accuracy. It filters duplicate mentions as well as spam. Price: Connect with Brandwatch for a unique customized plan You can totally rely on BuzzSumo tool to monitor the top most social content in your domain. Just plug in a URL, keyword or phrase into search bar to analyze who’s sharing related content on social platforms. You can then utilize the platform to market your promotional material, as it recognizes the supreme influential sharers to extent out to. Price: $99 to $999 USD per month For a swift and straightforward Facebook and Twitter analytics tool, online marketers select Crowdbooster. Through a spontaneous and customizable dashboard, it provides better access to instantaneous data covering social data that can be exported through Excel. The platform helps decide with useful recommendations when to post, with whom to engage and help attain improvements in your interactions through a performance summary. Price: $9 to $119 USD per month Edgar is best used by online marketers to automate social scheduling, collecting and storing content in a library based on groups such as blog posts and tips. When you schedule content using these groups or categories, Edgar generates a never-ending queue that automates the marketing cycles using your library every week. The tool tracks engagement metrics, for optimizing schedules on basis of which types of content creäted more and better quality interactions. Also, suggests time when your content is most likely to be shared on social media platforms. Price: $49 to $99 USD per month It is the best known tool and choice used for analyzing website traffic, it’s also a specialized tool for assessing definite social media metrics. You can use it to track the worth of traffic coming from social media sites, monitoring how visitors behave, navigate and what efforts leads to their conversion. Price: Free to $150,000 USD per month Hootsuite is a social media management dashboard like buffer. It has its own analytics tools along with the functionalities of scheduling and aggregating promotional content. The tool not only monitors engagement numbers, but also measures the team’s performance. Price: Free and even has advanced plans Try Klout to quantify your marketing influence on social media platforms. It grades you out of 100, depending upon the abilities to drive actions and engagements. You can measure your promotions and see on which platforms you are most effective, to successfully drive and interact with your target audiences. Price: Connect Klout for a unique plan Utilise Little Bird for a sophisticated influencer analytical platform. It completely eliminates the requirement for an influencer research and let you concentrate on your marketing outreach. The platform monitors and tracks metrics detailing for noticeable people who communicate in your space and with brand. It determines the top-most engaging content and topics for you to use and share. The influencer list assists to target qualified personalities throughout social media campaigns. Price: Connect with Little Bird to discuss a plan Precisely targeting enterprise scale agencies as well as brands, NetBase publicizes that it works on marketing posts 9 times quicker and with 50% to 70% more accuracy as compared to other social media analytics tools. Community managers can utilize swiftly to take decisions on key accounts they handle. The tool can read millions of social posts in almost 42 languages and measures user sentiment with respect to present trends. Price: Connect NetBase for a unique plan Traditionally, digital marketers have not been fully successful in measuring the financial impacts through social media. Oktopost fulfils this task. The platform monitors the conversions, identifies important channels and messages that helps you drive the financial actions on the website. It is able to determine the lead conversion source and platform. It’s Price: Initiates with $65 USD per month; also has customized plans Use quintly to effectively measure your profiles against different competitors. It monitors and tracks your performance with engagement metrics using graphs, by visualizing the key statistics on social platforms. It is effectively used for competitive goal setting. Price: Initiates with $129 USD per month; also has multiple advanced plans The tool monitors competitors and even helps track opposing brands performance on social platforms. It is very much useful to prioritize your overall business growth, by recording how your target audiences develop or reduce on a timely basis. With access to required historical data, you can match the growth rates involved in business cycles to measure when competitors are growing their fan bases. It’s Price: $199 to $439 USD per month Salesforce Marketing Cloud has multiple platforms for mobile, email, content marketing, along with an intuitive social media analytics tool set. Utilizing a dashboard, you can view metrics and track which content is offering the best engagement, where the effective conversations are on and what type of user sentiment is happening around your brand. You have the choice of paying for the complete cloud based suite or picking the tools you need. Price: Initiates with $400 USD per month; grouping of packs is available for better pricing Simply Measured is a very useful social media reporting tool. By connecting this platform to Google Analytics, you can view information about how your website visitors from social media sites are behaving and converting right on the website. It includes functionalities to analyze your competition and compare accounts on social channels. Additionally, you can schedule Simply Measured to view and send reports automatically with all the analytical details. It’s Price: Starts from $500 USD per month; has unique agency plans Socialbakers analytics is a very popular tool with its dataset abilities to pick up important data across most of the social media platforms. Its functionalities comprise of custom benchmarking along with competitive analysis, making groups to monitor yourself against the competitors. Socialbakers is used globally to segment data by specific brand and the particular country. It tracks your efforts on location basis and find your gaps to be covered for consistent growth. The Price: $120 to $480 USD per month This tool is utilized as a social search engine with a balancing analytics platform. Fairly by typing a keyword, you can have access to user results page of content from 100+ platforms. On the basis of that content and results, the platform tracks metrics which also includes user sentiments. It’s Price: Free Utilize SumAll to monitor your long-term social media strategies. You can access e-commerce data, and track information from social channels in a sole interactive chart. With useful metrics, it includes functionalities such as access to performance graphs as well as goal tracking. One can set the tool to quickly send emails briefing this data. Price: Free to $99 USD per month
Moz’s Twitter platform offers a detailed look at Twitter analytics, with insights on your audience and activities. You can have statistics related to your followers along with demographic data like their locations. Use it to find and connect with influencers, Followerwonk measures the complete social authority to monitor which accounts possess the greatest impact on the particular followers. Price: Free to $79 per month
It’s a platform-management tool, also offering detailed Instagram analytics set-up. The dashboard possess access to engagement statistics for suggestions, like what are the top most times to post and which filters are more useful. You can also select to receive emails that briefs your key metrics. Price: Free with advanced plans
Providing price tiers dependent on how many followers you have, SocialBro is a wide ranging Twitter business tool. It monitors and tracks content and target audience metrics, providing support to improve on user engagement and create segmented lists for digital campaigns. The platform is also utilized to understand ads, as it tracks the ROI for both the paid and the earned media. Price: Connect with SocialBro to discuss the best plan
Tailwind is a popular platform-exclusive platform which is specially designed to optimize your Pinterest promotional strategy. It is used to track engagement metrics, performance of your posts based on boards, hashtags, keywords and promotional categories. With these stats, Tailwind recommends content for you to share online. It is directly integrated with Google Analytics, so it also analyses web traffic as well as revenue through Pinterest. Price: Initiates at $9.99 USD per month; with advanced plans
An effective search engine like tool, wherein it needs just a keyword, username or a hashtag to get analytics behind your term. It is used to check trends. It provides engagement data like impressions and reach. It also provides you a timeline of tweets to study. It’s Price: $99 to 399 USD per month With this above list as your guide, you are sure to find a social media analytics tool that lifts your overall marketing productivity, giving you the needed information. Here are more Big Data Platforms and Analytics Software’s Big data platforms and analytics software solutions focus on offering competent analytics for huge datasets. These analytics assists you by converting raw data into quality information. They offer in-depth data insights enabling you to take benefit of digital space for business decision-making and operations. IBM Big data analytics solution portfolio includes InfoSphere BigInsights, InfoSphere Streams, IBM PureData, IBM Watson Explorer, DB2 with BLU Acceleration, InfoSphere Information Server, IBM Smart Analytics System and the InfoSphere Master Data Management. HP’s Big Data Analytics solution comprise of HP Vertica and HP HAVEn. HP HAVEn is a tool which includes software, hardware and services. Big Data be it structured or unstructured can be analysed to drive powerful strategic insights. HP Vertica Dragline let companies to store their data in a cost efficient manner, and offers competences to explore it swiftly utilizing SQL based tools. SAP Big Data Analytics tool comprise of In Memory Platform known as SAP HANA & SAP IQ, that is a column oriented and grid based parallel processing database. There is even SAP HANA tool and Apache Hadoop solution that are together. Big Data Analytics solutions comprise of Text Analytics solutions and Predictive Analytics. Microsoft Azure is a flexible and an open cloud tool that enables to swiftly build, deploy and handle applications transversely across a global network of Microsoft managed data centers. The applications can be created using any language, framework or platform and further integrated with public cloud apps in the required IT environment. Oracle Big Data Analytics solutions comprise of Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine and Oracle Exadata Database Machine. These are engineered systems that are pre-integrated to decrease the complexity and cost of the IT infrastructure. The database also includes Oracle Database, MySQL, Oracle NoSQL Database, MySQL Cluster, Oracle NoSQL Database, Oracle Event Processing, Oracle Coherence, Oracle Endeca Information Discovery and database analytics. Talend Open Studio is a multipurpose set of open source products for deploying, developing, testing, and administrating data management & application integration project tasks. Talend offers unified platform that makes app integration and data management simpler. It further enables a unified environment for handling the complete lifecycle through enterprise boundaries. The tool has built an architecture known as the Unified Data Architecture in Big Data Analytics. The Teradata Aster Discovery solution platform simplifies the analysis of critical business data insights from all the data categories. With its strong analytic applications joined with marginal time and work requirements, Teradata offers the insights required for different companies. SAS Big Data Analytics portfolio comprise of credit scoring for SAS High-Performance Data Mining, SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Scoring Accelerator, SAS Text Miner, SAS Model Manager and the SAS Visual Statistics. This solution includes Boomi AtomSphere, Kitenga Analytics Suite, and the SharePlex Connector for Hadoop. The Kitenga Analytics suite offers you with d visualization capabilities and the integrated information modeling in a business analytics and big data search platform. This system is an open source solution platform for Big Data analysis. It has a data Refinery engine known as Thor, that cleans, links, transforms and analyses the Big Data. The Thor tool supports ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) utilities to sort and analyze unstructured as well as structured data, data linking, profiling and hygiene. The Roxie which is an advanced data delivery engine offers both high concurrent as well as low latency real time query abilities. The Thor managed data can be used by multiple users concurrently in real time. The Enterprise Control Language (ECL), is utilized to solve queries on Roxie program and data processing on Thor. The solution comprises of Palantir Gotham to manage, integrate, analyze and secure enterprise data and Palantir Metropolis to enrich, integrate, model, and analyze any type of quantitative data. The solution assists to discover insights from data to create applications that can be used to store, deliver and manage value from large data sets utilizing disruptive set of enterprise data products to serve customers. The products include MPP and column store databases, Hadoop and in-memory data processing. It is a very useful web service which enables companies to explore and analyze giant datasets by utilizing Google’s infrastructure. It can easily analyze billions of rows in just seconds. It is highly scalable with SQL query language. BigQuery helps developers and businesses use data analytics against multi-terabyte datasets in few seconds. It provides an all-inclusive and unified solution that is used by big data lifecycle. No matter what is the data source, this solution offers visual big data analytics tools to extract data, get visualizations and analytics. It is highly scalable and uses the open standard based architecture to integrate or extend present infrastructure. It offers cloud based analytics to assist you analyze and further process required data volume, needed for Hadoop clusters, petabyte scale data warehousing, real-time streaming data and for the orchestration. The platform comprises of CDH, the open source Hadoop with data management and system management solution tools with community advocacy and dedicated support. HDP platform is used for multi-workload data processing through an array of methods for processing from the batch by interactive to real-time; supported with governance, security, integration and the required operations. It provides Big Data Analytics solutions, Predictive Analytics and Business Intelligence software solutions which comprises of Orchestrator, Decision management tool, Decision optimizer, Model builder, Model central, and the complete solution stack. It includes computing, connectivity, storage and the unified management abilities. This architecture is transparent, delivers simplified data and manages integration with enterprise ecosystems. The analytics solution provides a complete portfolio of Big Data software like splunk analytics for NoSQL Data Stores, Hadoop, Splunk Hadoop Connect, Splunk DB Connect and Hadoop Management. These solutions remove the workload performance deficiencies for Cassandra, MongoDB and the NoSQL databases, like HBASE, while reducing their overheads architectures. Fusion based solutions provide consistent and predictable performance through entire database, with effective system that needs less DRAM, lesser nodes, and utilizes lesser energy. Intel portfolio comprise of technology products like 10 Gigabit server adapters, Intel Xeon processors, SSDs with Intel distribution to improve overall performance levels for big data solution projects. It is a platform for Data Sciences which includes muHPC, muXo, and the muText. muXo is an engine for decision optimization which solves highly complex business problems. It offers continuously evolving and competitive meta-heuristic algorithms. On the other hand, muHPC is a popular suite of all the statistical algorithms, being integrated as R packages, used for Big Data analysis. Being written in MapReduce, muHPCTM algorithms influence the power of parallel computation. Mu Sigma’s text mining engine empowers information detection from the available unstructured and the semi-structured data sets. Also called PRIME, being deployed on Cloud, offers visualization and dashboard engine with parallel in-memory data storage. The architecture enables to create and deploy powerful applications that deliver analytics to multiple users in a quick time and the cost. Its vektor Big data analytics and the signal-processing platform adds Big Data flows from all sources of enterprises; offering the technology to extract and to store signals and supports signal application deployment. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a primary platform for big data deployments. It has features that meet advanced big data needs. It offers an effective, safe path to integrate data on Hadoop at all the scales without learning Hadoop. It brings all features in a unified system with a document-centric, structure-aware, schema-agnostic, transactional, clustered, secure, database server with search and application services. It is highly robust platform with high-performance virtualization layer that is used with server hardware resources, making them shareable by several virtual machines. Swiftly runs Hadoop workload for achieving better utilization, agility and reliability. It assists Hadoop for collecting, processing and integrating complex data. It removes challenges for extensive Hadoop adoption by connecting, developing, deploying and accelerating it without any programming. It provides Hadoop Solutions with all the cluster installations with multiple nodes. SGI UV compromises of shared memory platform to search hidden data relationships with real-time analysis. It is a finest NoSQL database, that empowers businesses with more agility and scalability. It is used to create new categories of apps, accelerate time to market, decrease costs and improves customer experience. It is capable of generating actionable information from broadly distributed and large volume data sets in near real-time. Uses machine learning and computational algorithms to filter actionable data insights. The solution access, integrates, and cleans data sources as Hadoop or NoSQL or Teradata with multiple predictive and spatial tools, in a very simplified workflow environment. It comprises of progressive, built-in analytic functions like distribution analysis, variance, correlation, forecasting and predictive modeling along with machine learning. All these functions are integrated straight into system, to rum them swiftly on big data volumes. It delivers advanced analytics in 3 editions, Extreme Performance, Hadoop SQL and Cloud Edition. These editions help in creating analytics value chain, deliver actionable business value, offer high-level data enrichment, SQL analytics, visual design on Hadoop without MapReduce skills. Provide robust data quality and on-premises applications with cloud edition. The MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop offers companies with highest grade distributed data platform to store and practice big data. MapR packages enables interactive, batch and real time applications. This solution connects to data, at any time and from anywhere, irrespective of its complexity and size or combination of structured and unstructured data with tools like Google BigQuery and Hadoop flavors. It offers 2 approaches to manage Big Data, both with finest user experience. QlikView offers both 100% In-Memory Architecture and hybrid approach that works on both in-memory data and data from external sources. It combines Big Data with Big Content, as well as Hadoop. It offers indexing and automatic ad hoc functionality, without using overpriced data modeling and also with complete security. The advanced text analytics adds context from human-generated data sources and enables business intelligence and data visualization tools. It enables enterprise level and integrated data analytics with search, visual management, and the expert support. It is one of the best distributed database choice for online apps that need swift performance without downtime. It is suit of tools, frameworks and APIs, for BI solutions to collaborate, analyze and visualize data which is built in cloud and delivered as a service. The platform analyses data at the scale of complete web, with SQL and in an entirely managed, server less architecture where backend system infrastructure is managed automatically, and you can focus on business insights part. Datameer is a SaaS big data analytics platform used for department specific deployment. It features Hadoop cloud providers Bigstep and Altiscale. It eases big data analytics environment into a single app on top of Hadoop platform. It assists enterprises to get value from their data much more swiftly. Using this tool an enterprise can quickly develop, secure and deploy big data and analytics applications with a central subscription platform that utilizes analytics software, tools and infrastructure. It is designed to integrate quick data, big data for actionable insights. It adapts a hybrid architecture joining scale out clusters running Hadoop with RDBMS as metadata store and the in-memory database for transactional data processing. Amdocs Insight Big Data platform backs Amdocs analytical apps and data services to enable revenues, drive business competence and improve customer experience. Cisco offers integrated infrastructures as well as analytics to support big data ecosystem, providing a scalable and secure infrastructure with valuable insights. It is built on Spark, Hadoop and the native cloud APIs. It fits in anywhere including existing analytics ecosystems, BI tools and hardware’s. It co-ordinates with industrial apps for working effectively to optimize complete operational environments. Here are Top Open Source Tools for Big Data Big Data is not a newer concept. What is new is how much larger the data is, or how swiftly it is mounting or how complex it is to deal with. It is a programming model and framework for creating applications that speedily analyses big data, parallel on the clusters to compute nodes. Utilized by Hadoop and other processing applications with independent OS. Offers in-memory processing for quick analysis of the real-time data. Works on windows, linux, OS X Operating Systems. It is a high performance computing cluster offering better performance to Hadoop. It works on Linux with free community versions and paid one’s. Owned by Twitter, it provides distributed real-time computation competences and is called as “Hadoop of real-time.” It’s scalable, fault-tolerant, robust, works with all programming languages, with Linux OS. Frequently the terms “Hadoop” and “big data” are utilized synonymously. The Apache Foundation sponsors multiple projects that ranges the competences of Hadoop. Multiple vendors provide supported versions of Hadoop and connected technologies. Works on Windows, Linux and OS X. Developed by Facebook, the NoSQL database is nowadays handled by Apache Foundation. It’s used by Netflix, Urban Airship, Twitter, Reddit, Constant Contact, Digg and Cisco. It is OS Independent. HBase is an Apache project, with a non-relational data store for the Hadoop. Functionalities comprise of linear and modular scalability, automatic failover support and more. Is OS independent. The global graph database, improves performance to 1000x or more vs. the relational databases. It even has advanced versions and works on Windows, Linux. It stores web data in JSON documents accessed through query using JavaScript. Also offers distributed scaling and fault tolerant storage. Works on Windows, Android, Linux, OS X. Stores 150,000 documents per second with loading graphs in just few milliseconds. Supports ACID transactions and the fast indexes. It offers scalability, elasticity and consistency. Supports range queries, custom data partitioning, push-down predicates, server-side update functions, event processing and reduce querying. Is OS independent. Store twitter social graphs (i.e., who is following or blocking whom) with horizontal scaling and swift reads and writes. Is OS Independent. It is important big data storage with consistency, availability and quick performance supporting many telecom companies. Is OS Independent. A powerful open-source and distributed database. Users comprise of Comcast, Voxer, Yammer, Joyent, Boeing,, SEOMoz, Formspring, DotCloud and Danish Government. Works on Linux and OS X. Provides effectiveness and quick performance resulting in cost savings. It has both open source and but paid support. Available on Linux, OS X. It is highly scalable and high-performance database which is available as open source and with commercial license. It is OS Independent. It is Hadoop’s data warehouse, offers data summarization and analysis of big data. It uses a SQL-like language, HiveQL and is OS Independent. It is a scalable data warehouse with storage up to 50TB and compression up to 40:1 for best driven performance. Works on Windows, Linux. Java based, highly scalable data grid platform used for multi-core architecture and offers distributed cache competences. Is OS Independent. Offers in-memory key value store saved on disk for availing persistence. Supports many programming languages and operates on Linux. It is the most used, flexible, cost effective and deployed BI software across the globe. Has both commercial and open source versions, includes Big Data reporting solutions and is OS Independent. Includes Palo Web, OLAP Server, Palo for Excel and Palo ETL Server with open source and commercial software based tools. Is OS Independent.
Provided big data analytics tools to 10,000 companies along with data mining, dashboard and reporting. Operates on Windows, Linux and OS X. Is complete open source business intelligence solution with commercial services, support and training and is OS Independent. Provides user-friendly data processing, integration and analysis. Gartner named KNIME as a “Cool Vendor” in 2010 for analytics, BI and performance. Operates on Windows, Linux and OS X. Co-founded by Actuate, adds reporting functionalities to Java applications. Is OS Independent. It is a leading open-source system for text and data mining. Works on open source versions and paid support and is OS Independent. Offers algorithms for classification, clustering, and collaborative filtering on Hadoop. The project’s objective is to shape scalable machine learning libraries. Is OS Independent. Provides multiple visualizations and a toolbox of 100+ widgets. Works on Windows, Linux and OS X. Offers data mining algorithms that can be applied to data or use in other Java applications. It’s a fragment of a big machine learning project, sponsored by Pentaho. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.
Can do data mining, statistical analysis, mathematical computation and data visualization. It supports Java and related programming languages including Jython, Groovy, JRuby and Beanshell. It is OS Independent. KEEL assists uses evaluates algorithms for data mining issues like classification, regression, pattern mining and clustering. It comprises of a big collection of prevailing algorithms that it uses to associate new algorithms. It is OS Independent. It is java based data mining framework, with focus on sequential pattern mining, and has tools for linking rule mining, item set mining and sequential rule mining. It has 46 diverse algorithms and is OS Independent. Makes it simpler for non-programmers to utilize R language by offering graphical interface for mining of data. Can build models, score datasets and draw graphs. Works on Windows, Linux and OS X. It provides unified file and object storage for larger data-sets. Can be scaled to 72 brontobytes, extending Hadoop capabilities on Linux. It is a primary storage structure for Hadoop. It rapidly replicates data onto numerous nodes in a cluster in order to deliver reliable, speedy performance. Works on Windows, Linux and OS X. It is an Apache data analysis tool that uses textual language known as Pig Latin, producing sequences of programs for Map-Reduce. It assists writing, understanding and maintaining programs with data analysis tasks performed parallelly. It is OS Independent. Build by Bell Laboratories, R is programming language with an environment for graphics and statistical computing similar to S. The environment comprises of tools that make it simpler to operate data, create graphs, charts and do calculations with Windows, Linux and OS X. ECL is a full set of tools, comprising of an IDE and debugger in HPCC, with documentation available on HPCC website. It operates on Linux. It offers very quick indexing and searching capabilities for huge datasets. It indexes over 95GB/hour while utilizing modern hardware. It is OS Independent.
It is an advanced enterprise search tool based on Lucene. It empowers search capabilities for larger websites, which includes Netflix, CNET, AOL and Zappos. It is OS Independent. “117 Image Sqoop” It transfers data between RDBMSes, Hadoop and data warehouses. It is a topmost level Apache project now and is OS Independent. “118 Image Flume” An Apache project, it gathers, aggregates and transfers the required log data from apps to HDFS. It’s robust, fault-tolerant Java-based project. Operates on Windows, Linux and OS X. “119 Image Chukwa” Built on platforms MapReduce and HDFS, it gathers data from larger distributed systems with displaying and analyzing the gathered data. Works on Linux and OS X. It’s “Big Memory” platform that allows enterprise applications to manage and store big data in the server memory, with speedy performance. The company provides open source and commercial versions of its platform. It is OS Independent. It is a data serialization system on JSON defined schemas with APIs present on C, C++, C# and Java. It is OS Independent. It is an Apache project which is built to coordinate with scheduling of Hadoop jobs. It triggers jobs at a programmed time or as per data availability. Works on Linux and OS X. It is a centralized service for keeping up configuration details, naming, offering distributed synchronization with group services. APIs are obtainable for Java and C, Python, REST and Perl. Works on Linux, Windows (only development) and OS X (only development). from We in the technology world, are totally aware that WordPress is one of the most powerful, appropriate and useful Content Management System (CMS) for web development. It is the finest open source platforms used across the globe by companies to make their business exceedingly productive. The streamlined Content Management System (CMS), simplified technical control and other multiple features make life of PHP developers easy. Also, WordPress is loved by the search engines like Google and Bing, which further makes it flexible to drive both marketing as well as sales. So, at the end of the day for better business outcomes you are going to require a WordPress developer and a designer to build your website. Now you will have two options for WordPress development. First one is to do it by the in-house team and the second is to outsource it partially or completely.
Outsourcing WordPress development to Indian CompaniesIn multiple surveys being conducted on Outsourcing WordPress development, India has always been at the top as an outsourcing destination. Major Fortune 500 companies have preferred to outsource their projects to Indian outsourcing companies. India has surpassed its competitors like Ireland, Philippines, Mexico and now even China because of the high quality services it offers. The IT outsourcing companies in India are supported by flexible government policies, immensely talented technical resources and quick development of IT infrastructure.
Here are some of the key advantages to Outsource WordPress developmentAvailability of Huge Technical TalentIndia has practiced and capable IT human resources. They will go an additional mile to deliver valuable work. An outsourced company who is in charge for the accomplishment of your WordPress project will go further than the regular working hours to successfully meet the promised deadlines.
Affordable Pricing RatesOutsourcing in India is quiet cost effective as compared to other countries. You can take the estimate of the complete project and then even pay it in parts as per the fixed milestones. Better and affordable pricing allows the companies who outsources their work to earn more profits along with a control on their overall budget. According to Accenture, which is a leading IT company, outsourcing can lead to a cost savings of 20% to 30% annually.
Finest in InfrastructureHigh technology infrastructure with good skill sets ensures the delivery of the projects to the clients. With better bandwidth, the communication channels are now made stronger in India.
Quality Work DeliveryBy outsourcing your WordPress project, your project will authorize to the utmost standards by all the means. The advanced web technologies which offer results exceed clients’ expectations every time. You can rest confident that you will get a good and quality WordPress development if you will choose a right technology partner.
Focus on Core Competency and ResultsWordPress development is fairly a time consuming procedure that needs a highly skilled and competent team for speedy results. If an outsourcing agency has good experience in the industry, it cannot be matched by any full time WordPress development team. So by choosing a right outsourcing partner, you will save your company from all the complexities of WordPress development and can focus on your business operations.
Different Options and PackagesThere are multiple technology development packages on offer to make a choice from, which is not feasible when you hire a team of web development. These packages are cost effective and competitive in the WordPress development market.
Flexibility while dealing with a VendorIt is a significant benefit of outsourcing as the buyer can alter the vendor if required. In the case of dispute or poor service, it is comparatively easier to alter a vendor than a full time resource.
No recruitment, training and staff retentionThe largest gain of outsourcing for companies are the exclusion of recruitment, training and staff retention in the case of less relevant job positions. WordPress Development Services which can be effectively outsourced
Outsourcing needs proper planning and researchStill with so many advantages, it is quite important that how you actually plan to outsource your WordPress development work. Doing research on the economical standing of the company you are choosing will give you a far better idea whether the company is capable enough to take and deliver the projects. Secondly, you should always ask the company to give some of their client references and sample work details to make your decision-making easier. You need to be crystal clear on your work expectations and make understand the same to that company. Communicate with the people who are working on your project and ensure they understand your thinking before they initiate working. And with this you all will remain on the same page, for both qualitative and timely work delivery. Negative Impacts on IT OutsourcingIndia’s software services market is in two minds for the concerns of new US President Donald Trump’s actions in contrast to outsourcing of IT jobs. Also some global investors like Ruchir Sharma have negatively commented on outsourcing. He quoted that “in a time period marked by weaker movements of people, trade and flow of money, India’s outsourcing services are likely to be driven out of growth”. While some of them say that outsourcing business will still remain and continue as a major source of economic growth globally. Key TakeawaysOutsourcing is now not a new concept of doing business world-wide. With assistance of technology, collaboration and communication tools, outsourcing has become convenient and easy to deal with. WordPress development is made flexible by outsourcing options. Organizations prefer software development outsourcing to better meet their project deadlines, to offer work which is not their key expertise or else when they have fewer resources in their internal in-house team. Indian companies are the primary choice amongst the other countries around the globe, as they are known to have the biggest technical pool and are cost effective.
from Accounts receivable outsourcing provides a clear path to managing key finance functions. Anything that could affect your cash flow is simply outsourced and taken care of. It’s a great way to run a company only on one or two accountants. You simply outsource the large and complicated tasks and keep your income impacting tasks in-house.
The Great thing about the account receivable management services is that it takes a massive load off your hands. Without hiring an army of number crunchers to deal with every small invoice you have, we manage It all for you and keep you informed with extensive and consistent reporting. We improve the speed of acquiring new payments and stabilize the cash flow.
Receivable services we offer:
Part of what makes our services so flexible is our ability to perform on every popular accounting software out there.
Accounting software we use include:
And not just that, as a part of our complete service we also integrate with these software for the major financial systems:
Why choose us and our services over any other company out there?
So what’s so special about Outsourcing Insight in the account receivable services:
from India has emerged as a software development pioneer in the past decade. You can practically get any software you need to be developed at half the “market price” for it. That is simply due to the cheap cost of living in India. The developers are of the same quality you’d get locally if not better. So they tend not to charge as much as local developers and still live the good life. So how exactly do you go about outsourcing your software development needs to India?
Most of the work on your end is simply come up with the function you need the software to perform. Once that’s done, just communicate with the software development company and get a quote. Don’t be scared to negotiate, after all this is not going to be cheap by any means. And you want to make sure you get the best bang for your buck before you get involved into anything. Make sure you have an extra 50% of cash at hand before you sign any contracts. Just in case something goes wrong or you decide you need more coding or better server to support your software. Don’t leave any room for surprises.
So why choose to outsource to India over any other country?
India has been in this game for the better part of a decade now. And they improved their model regarding subcontracting workers into finishing the job. They’re the top of the line in this field.
India has been up to date in all of their technology and keeping up with whatever comes along. This is due to their consistent involvement in the field. Constantly improving the process regarding speed and quality of the software.
Just because it’s cheaper to have your software developed in India, doesn’t mean its any less quality. On the contrary, these developers are college graduates. Each of them has at least five years of experience under their belt.
The IRS and all related government institutions are well aware of the subcontracting and outsourcing process. It is a perfectly legal way to cut down on overhead and employee salaries.
What are some of the more popular types of software development?
Custom Software Consulting:This is arguably the most popular type of outsourcing in the field. People tend to head that road to get professional advice on developing or testing and supporting their software. That includes consulting, end-user requirements analysis.
ERP Development:Boost the quality of critical business information by developing a swift enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This creates an “all seeing eye” in your business and eliminates all the blind spots. You can see every process down to the micro details and take informed decisions all across the board. CRM Development:CRMs are the ultimate way of client follow-up. It provides a history of the customer ever since he entered your system. As well as multiple operations such as lead distribution. You can have a results-oriented customer relationship management custom developed to accommodate your business.
Tips on outsourcing your software development:
from Cost control and the need to concentrate on main business are one of the common reasons to outsource recruitment. Outsourcing part or all of your recruitment processes and activities can save your money, efforts and time. You also get the benefits of the industry experience of independent recruitment consultants. Other reasons employers select the outsourcing option include a need to manage a high turnover rate and control seasonal business growth that sometimes makes situations impossible to keep up with hiring requirements. Working on the competitive advantages and dealing with recruitment procedures are other reasons.
Here are some benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing
· Reduce Overall CostsIn an unbalanced economy, reducing costs is always on the top list. Besides resource costs, the costs associated with recruitment activities consist of job advertisements, candidate’s background screening and dealing with recruiting software systems. So, maintaining a decent recruiting procedure and conduct in-house is a cost to the company. Cost-per-hire is very important HR metric. And when companies outsource the recruitment solutions to an agency, both cost-per-hire and time-to-hire is considerably reduced. This is mainly because an external agency will use its dedicated resources for this work, will also share the risk and will follow streamlined processes. Allocating the responsibilities to a dedicated third party agency will not only reduce the burden of hiring extra HR resources but also stabilize the situation when the business grows and is on its peak. Also, when this process is assigned to an outdoor firm, it eliminates delays, duplication of tasks, and controls the recruitment budget as you need to only pay for specific recruiting activities.
· Increase Recruiting EffectivenessAt times, it’s demanding for several organizations to find qualified candidates or develop their recruiting effectiveness with in-house recruiting processes. As it becomes very challenging for in-house recruiting staff to deal with competitive job market, current skills shortage, or fulfil criteria like restricted locations for recruiting. They may not be able to accomplish recruiting process enhancements with present staff and when crucial recruiting requirements initiate to pile up, there starts problems with internal hiring accountability. When the company outsource recruiting, they enjoy the advantages from recruiting agencies ability to reach out added candidates, engage even with the passive candidates and bring more effectiveness in recruiting processes.
· Concentrate on Core BusinessHuman resource employees with recruiting responsibilities will quickly come under pressure during bulk or greater volume of recruitment in the company. They will be unable to specialize in their core responsibilities. Once this happens, it will have a negative impact, with reduction in human resources productivity and workflows. Also their abilities to supply services for payroll, compliance, and the conduct for resource motivation programs will be undesirably affected. When the recruitment is outsourced to external recruiting experts, it does not realize any interference to main corporate actions. Further it allows employers to pursue out the talent they have without any distractions from current business operations.
· High Turnover RatioHigh turnover leads to reduced productivity, lower client services, and lower staff engagement. However turnover could have less to try and do with recruiting employees skills or compensation and more to do with recruitment functions. Organizations can deal with high turnover once they source recruiting to have higher qualified candidates, and a far better recruiting methods from external experienced recruiters. Organizations get pleasure from higher quality hires of candidates who are well matched to the job openings, responsibilities and the culture. Once current high turnover starts to strain a company’s resources, the choice to outsource is a faster and affordable way to break the recruiting related turnover. · Improved Growth and Competitive AdvantageExternal recruitment agencies with dedicated and knowledgeable resources, better recruiting technology, and with advanced social recruiting methodologies can meet with the fluctuating business growth patterns of the companies. Small corporations and start-ups that don’t have similar expertise resources, as their larger competitors will have become somewhat relaxed after they outsource recruiting. A recruiting firm will quickly support smaller or new corporations with required expertise candidates to build their company with key employees and even sustain with additional resources.
· Better Hiring Manager SatisfactionThe better hiring manager satisfaction come from various phases. Hiring managers now have improved ways to measure the completions of their efforts. Hiring managers now have better backing from executives in the recruiting procedure. With recruitment outsourcing, they now aren’t much stressed and can fulfil their job requirements in a healthier way. With assistance and corporation of a recruitment agency, they are much happy with what’s achieved and how candidates are well recruited into the organization.
· Superior Employment BrandThe employment brand is really the individuality of an organization as an employer, and when all the aspect of the recruiting process is working good, the employment brand definitely becomes improved. If the candidate quality is healthy, that also looks better to other probable candidates for your company. If your hiring managers are happy and are working in a stable way with external recruitment agencies with a healthy recruit-to-hire process, then individuals who go through that procedure will only have better things to say about your company.
Key TakeawaysIndependent recruitment agencies assist organizations in several other ways than just reducing recruitment costs or getting positions filled quickly. They actually assist companies to become an improved and comfortable place to work as well as achieve desired results. They not only help big organizations but also help small and medium sized companies to outsource their recruitment activities such as sourcing, contacting, engaging, hiring as well as on-boarding. They help SME’s get the best talent from the market, that is outside their reach in terms of investment in resources, money and time. Companies can better focus on their core business operations when they are well-staffed with qualified, engaged employees who have been hired with a good recruiting process. Outsourced recruitment allows companies to meet their recruiting needs without causing other business issues. It better supports companies to fulfil their recruiting wants, realize process improvements and reduce turnover. from |
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